Thursday, April 5, 2012

sweet potato pancakes

So, I've tried potato pancakes before and not been very successful, so I approached this meal with a bit of trepidation.  However, I will worry no longer because these were SOOOO delicious.  I absolutely loved them.  Everyone else did too.  Even my non potato eaters (I'll admit, I was quite worried about them.)  Definitely a meal worth repeating.  As I was making them Brandon walked by and said they make them in Germany and eat them with applesauce.  That was actually suggested in the recipe book I used, but honestly, I loved them plain.  So sweet and delicious.  Serve with a large salad.
This recipe idea came from The Six O'clock Scramble.  I love that book.  All healthy meals, and many meatless.  Of course I had to modify somewhat.  Much of it due to the size of my sweet potato - let's just call it Texas large.  But I also made some healthy and preferential substitutions.  Here's my version.


  • 1 extra large (or 2 medium) sweet potatoes
  • 2-3 medium/medium small potatoes (mine had quite a few bad spots so it was really about 2.5 potatoes from the 3 I used.  Together it was actually less in quantity than the 1 sweet potato.)
  • 1/2 large sweet onion, diced (probably close to 1 cup diced)
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 1 cup wheat flour
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • dash cayenne pepper
  • Coconut oil for frying - about 2 Tablespoons per batch.  I did about 6 batches of 4 pancakes each so 12 Tablespoons for me.  Although I may have not used a true 2 Tablespoons - I didn't measure.)
  1. Coarsely grate the sweet potatoes and potatoes.  (I used my food processor on the thicker grating side.)  You can also grate the onion, but I thought that would make it entirely too juicy so I diced it.  
  2. Drain the veggies and wrap them in a clean dish towel for a couple minutes to get the remaining water out.
  3. While you are waiting, in a small bowl, combine the flour salt and cayenne pepper.   Stir to mix.  In a large bowl, beat the eggs.  Add the veggies to the eggs and stir to coat.  
  4. Toss in the flour mixture and stir to combine.
  5. In a large nonstick skillet, heat approximately 2 Tablespoons of oil over medium high heat.  When oil is hot, scoop in spoonfuls of the potato mixture and flatten them out with the back of the spoon.  Cook until browned on that side, flip and cook until browned on the other side.  For each pan full add a tablespoon or 2 of oil.  If they brown too quickly reduce the heat, but I found medium high to be just right.  Medium was too slow.  
  6. The author of the book tells you to keep these in a warm oven while baking.  I transferred them to a plate and covered it with my microwave cover to keep warm.   

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